Saturday, December 18, 2010


   I found a place online that sells recycled packaging supplies in the odd size I, I ordered 100 boxes to pack my icon boxes in....I also ordered packing excelsior, twine, and mesh, hemp ribbon (which hasn't arrived yet)...all made from 100% recycled material...this is good.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

In The Kiln

Here's what's in the kiln so large tree of life,  6 small ones, a couple of saints....and a few things, that I can't remember, under the shelf .  I hope the porcelain dries soon, then I'll have the kiln full enough to sort of justify firing...I'd really like the heat from the kiln...the shed will be much more cozy when it's hands get SO cold!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

More Porcelain

These are the porcelain fairy boxes I've been working on....they're all sort of the same because I'm still working out some construction kinks.  I like sculpting the faces with the porcelain.... the boxes are still a bit of a challenge...and who knows what will happen in the kiln.....but then, I like surprises


Monday, December 6, 2010


As I've been pondering how to glaze the new little boxes I've been making, I remembered a bag of porcelain clay I had tucked away some time last I'm thinking that these new boxes should be fairies (not saints) made from porcelain and then not glazed at all. Of course, I'm having to modify the entire construction process since I'm discovering that raku clay and porcelain clay are not at all the same to work with...the raku clay stays put...the porcelain sort of folds over and slides around...I'm hoping I'll get the hang of this soon...these would be something I could actually finish during the months that are too cold to raku fire....and I think they would be really nice outside on garden walls hidden amongst the plants...the white would show up nicely but they're small enough that they wouldn't be the first thing you noticed...I like that.