Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Braille Signature Stamp

It's here!!
My signature stamp.! I had it made by 4clay when they were at the Dillsboro Pottery Festival.  They were so nice to work with and really fast getting it to me....It has my initials in braille so that I can stamp my pottery.....and there's a dog on the handle!
How cool it that?
When my dog, Rufus, went blind I decided I would start using braille to sign my pots.  He was such a great studio dog...he loved to be right next to the wheel or under the slab table while I was working.  Things just aren't the same without him...but now, everytime I stamp a pot I'll think of him.  This is a good thing.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Dillsboro Luminary Preparations

The little town of Dillsboro has two luminary weekends in December (6th and 7th...14th and 15th)....a tradition started almost 30 years ago as a thank you to the town from the merchants.
It is truly super cool! White lights outline all the shops....white candlelit bags line the streets.....there are carolers (real singers from WCU), Santa, ice skating, cookies, hot cider and the last night....fireworks...pure Christmas magic!!!!

Justin (who is young and spry...and available), from the Choclate Factory across the street (where they make the most delicious you-must-eat-this peppermint truffle), is going to hang our icicle lights....until then Annie and I have started decorating what we can reach on the ladder...behold the windows!!

Emily, our niece, came and scraped the fall trees off the windows and helped string cotton balls (snow).....a really troublesome activity for those of us with bad vision.  Now we have Narnia windows....5 of them!
Annie's working on little white lantern houses that will go along the windowsills....can't wait, can't wait!

If you happen to be sitting around feeling all Scroogy the weekend of the 6th or the 14th, you should jump in the car and come to Dillsboro, NC....there's a beautiful, funky, hand-built inn on the river (where the fireworks should be crazy amazing!).  The Dillsboro Inn (google it! an amazing place.... it won't be long before I just walk across the street one night and book a room.
.....But....wait, wait there's more!.....beautiful mountains, to die for sunsets (and for those of you who never sleep....crazy surreal sunrises) wonderful people, great restaurants and, of course, one-of-a-kind shops....come to Dillsboro and Christmas shop, make some will love it and so will everyone you give presents to!!!