Sunday, August 29, 2010

Saint Giles

A portion of my Saint Giles' face has been used on the business card of a wonderful Atlanta musician.
This Saint Giles looks like he's singing so he was deemed appropriate...the business card looks like this.

The musician is Phil McWilliams...he plays pretty much anything with strings and has a lovely, earthy voice....I am so honored!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Getting Ready For Shelves!

I've spent the past several days (and hours) moving deities from the shed to various places in safe houses.... making room for SHELVES!!!  I'm so excited...more room to work...more room for storage!  The shelves should be completed sometime this week by Jorge...the amazing rock wall building man who builds shelves on rainy days.  Never again will my work table look like this picture (and no, that is NOT a specimen's Arizona green tea...which I like)

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Wahoo...Something New!

Sometimes there's no rhyme or reason to what I decide to do with dirt.  When I went to the shed this morning I had intended to make some small icon boxes of Saint Lawrence, patron saint of cooks.... but then this happened.....the green woman (she's very rare).  I sort of modeled her after a gravestone in Ireland.  The bits of leaves left on her will burn out in the bisque.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

So Far So Good!

I've had some trouble with pieces cracking lately...I think my studio has just been a little too hot and the clay has been drying too fast...but this Mary and Joseph and baby Jesus (the one that's been so passed around lately) made it!

The mornings have been just a touch cooler and I'm hoping the "cracking weather" will pass soon....I think I'll stick to icon boxes and hamsa hands until then.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

New Glaze on an Unwashed Pot

This is the new glaze that looks somewhat like hammered copper....except in this photo. The flash on my camera made the colors all muddy and greenish.  In real life it's actually blue and magenta and red.  
I haven't finished scrubbing the ash left from the reduction off completely...those are all the little crinkly black lines. 

 Anyway, I like it.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Lone Mary

This is the finished Mary (the one borrowing the baby Jesus from an earlier post).  I'm hoping to fire the bisque kiln tonight, then the baby will be ready to raku .... I'm not sure  Joseph is dry enough to could be awhile before her family is all together. 
I think she looks fairly patient.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Tree of Life

This is one of the new larger icon boxes that I've just started making.  I've been wanting to do something with the tree of life on it and this seemed like a good place to start.
I tried out a new glaze on turned out looking like hammered copper...really pretty!  I'll post a picture of it in a day or two....anyway, I think that this will be the glaze that I use on this piece.