I went to school yesterday to practice throwing taller cylinders. It did not go well.
I am now the proud creator of a 25 pound bag of soggy, twisted globs of clay....I couldn't center anything. Possibly the distraction of the security guard who came in with his drug dog and told me sad stories about the loss of his sweet wife in a Germany kind of English...or the other potter who came in after an unfortunate shea butter run in ( I really can't stand the smell of shea butter...I know it's good for all kinds of things...but yuck, gag, blah )...or maybe the weather...maybe just an off center day....maybe I should be taking a computer course instead....maybe I'll always suck at the wheel.... I don't know....I cleaned up and drove home.
When I left for school I had gone out the kitchen door...when I came home I went in the front door and that's when I saw it. The PBTD ( poop by the door).
(Now...here's the thing....I took a picture of the poop by the door but then I thought perhaps no one really wants to look at a photo of poop....I'm not going to post it.....yet.)
The PBTD is not a new happening. It started when I first moved in...every morning there was a poop right up against the front door. I mentioned the PBTD to my mom who took me to her house to look it up in her scat book.
Segue....who has a scat book laying around? Why is it called scat? Who drew all these pictures? I can only imagine the smell of that artist's studio.....
According to the scat book it looked to me to be sidewinder rattlesnake poop. My parents just stared at me. Apparently not. My mom thinks it's a frog...a really big frog. Perhaps I don't really want to know.
I just want it to stay outside....
PBTD..... I love it.