Monday, September 24, 2012

Wild Turkeys and The Man From Minnesota

There are times when I wish I could be a passenger (with a camera) in my life.
Today , well the past several days...(years)...have been like that., let me start with last Friday.....
Last Friday I drove up to my house after school and the front door was OPEN!  My big dog Rufus wouldn't go near the house....I was worried....but I'm old and what the heck, I went in.....guess what?  Turkey feathers and turkey poop...everywhere!  Yes, city friends, wild turkeys had pecked their way into my house, had their way with it..... and left.  No toads though.
Today I came across a herd (when they're on the road they're a the air, a flock...thus sayeth the Jenny) of wild turkeys in the middle of the road right before I got to Miss Minnie's house ( a story for another day...did you know the opposite of many is dewy?).
Were they worried? NO!
Did they move? NO!
Was I late for school? YES!
Eventually they wandered off the road, stepping high and looking at me sideways.....I went around them, drove a bit further and what to my wondering eyes should appear???  
The man from Minnesota.
At first I thought I was dreaming because he was high stepping like the turkeys...he was wearing a red plaid cap with ear flaps and puffy ski pants.  He was in the middle of the road.  But wait, there's more.... he had on SNOWSHOES!  AND, he had a ski pole in either hand. I stopped, he looked at me sideways (just like the turkeys had earlier).  He was mid stride...I waited a moment while he stood there all frozen like and then I just scooted around was surreal.....I was late for school.
I did, however, throw some beautiful mugs and pull some pretty amazing handles which really made me wonder if I was dreaming....I'll know tomorrow.