Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Mouse

After a week of not firing, we opened the raku kiln to load it up and there was all this fuzzy stuff in the bottom of the kiln.....what could this be? A pile of seeds, fuzzy stuff, bits of shredded tarp...I lifted the bottom shelf and there was a wee little, very worried, field mouse...who immediately ran down into the gas line....perfect! We poked...we banged the line with tongs....we waited....and waited....and waited some more. After what seemed like forever he/she scurried out from somewhere underneath and all was well. In fact, we got some of the best colors ever....I wonder...could mouse droppings be the missing ingredient?

Sorry, there are no pictures...you'll just have to use your imagination....do it, it's good for you.

Thursday, August 4, 2011


There truly was a slideshow/video...with music...there were people that saw it and said "wow"...and then it just went away.  I'm sure it will pop up again someday in some random place on my computer and it will bother me for a day or two and then I'll get over it.

This is the peace angel.....I really, really like her!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Peace Angel

This is a video of the bird nest angel with the stick wings becoming the peace angel.  I figure anything that survives this much heat, fire and water and ends up looking so graceful and calm deserves a new name!

The music Peace Song is from Phil McWilliams' new CD...Signs of Peace.  Check out his website at philmcwilliamsmusic.com