Friday, September 16, 2011

The Mary Project

I don't really know why Mary intrigues me so....perhaps it's all the touching stories and rituals (that cross so many different religions and cultures) associated with her...I don't know...I just know that she's been on my mind a lot lately...maybe having my last son leave for college has made me feel closer to her....not that my son is at all comparable to Jesus...but there is a deep missing I feel she understands.
I heard a Joan Baez song about Mary last night... it opened something and I had to put the Tara's aside (again) and start on her.
There's been this idea for a 3D Mary mosaic floating through my brain for a while...I've spent months reading Mary lore (something I highly recommend), I've drawn the prototype for what I want to make (although I have no idea how I'm going to construct her).....I believe this might be her head and crown....although I might totally change it (because I do that sometimes).
I want her to look proud and tough but somewhat sad....approachable.....graceful, know....Maryish.