Wednesday, March 6, 2013

A Day Off And No Monkeys

I woke up to this!  No school today, which is a real problem since I have 20 mugs that need to be trimmed and have the handles attached.....perhaps they won't dry out too much before Thursday.....
Since my internet appears to be working today, I think I'll try and figure out mail chimp.....I believe I've mentioned, several times, that I've always stayed away from anything that involves a monkey....I had a disturbing experience when I was 9 with a monkey, a tennis lesson and a lady tennis instructor who looked just like Johnny Cash.....the whole thing was horrible and no one would believe it...however, I do have a sister, who was 6 and going through a "phase" (according to my mother, my sisters and I went through quite a lot of these) where she wore a huge, rotting Victorian straw hat with faded flowers and frayed ribbons (I think there was the remnant of a veil too).... it was a gift from a neighbor boy....not the same neighbor boy that sat on his back porch with a bucket on his head (now, there's a good story that I should try and remember to mention sometime) and told everyone her name was Hortense...which it wasn't but she was so serious....even in the humongous hat....and really what 6 year old could make up a name like that?
Soooo.....we'll see about this mail chimp....I just hope it doesn't have a monkey logo I have to look at every time I use it....or, God forbid, a monkey logo that gets attached to my emails......

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